MMA by levels
All martial arts and combat sports that have belts and degrees began without them.
Then they evolved, their teaching was systematized and, with it, the learning stages.
From these stages, graduations were born (in many cases reflected in belts).
If there is something I have dedicated myself to for almost 35 years, it is training students and instructors through the development of teaching systems.
Today, the most complete, effective and fastest growing combat sport in the world has technical content that can and should be systematized for proper transmission.
The levels (or gradations) that I have developed are exactly that and I have been applying and perfecting them for more than 20 years.
They provide instructors with an order of priorities, a teaching scheme and economic benefits so that they can develop with greater possibilities within the activity.
It gives students the opportunity to set objectives to achieve in the short and medium term, with clear and plausible goals.
Welcome, then, the grading systems to the MMA.
Rolando Carrizo Ortiz. September 2023.

Level 1 Program
This program was created by Mestre Rolando Carrizo Ortiz and filmed in 2017 for LutaLivreUniversity.
It was designed following a clear structure divided into parts and blocks, not only being the technical content segmented but also organized efficiently for learning and teaching.
It is not currently used in World Team Martial Arts (the team headed by Mestre Carrizo Ortiz) but it serves as a technical, didactic and methodological guide for any MMA instructor.

Video #1
Video #2
Part 1. Block 1.

Video #3
Part 1. Block 2.

Video #4
Part 1. Combination 1.

Video #5
Part 1. Combination 2.

Video #6
Part 2. Block 1.

Video #7
Part 2. Block 2.

Video #8
Part 3. Single block.

Video #9
Part 4. Single block.

Video #10
Part 5. Block 1.

Video #11
Parte 5. Bloque 2.

Video #12
Part 6. Block 1.

Video #13
Part 6. Block 2.

Video #14
Part 6. Block 3.

Video #15
Part 6. Block 4.

Video #16
Part 7. Single block.

Video #17
Standing and floor fighting combinations. Combination 1.

Video #18
Standing and floor fighting combinations. Combination 2.

Video #19
Combinaciones de lucha en pie y en piso. Combinación 3.

Video #20